I will keep this post short and sweet. Coming up are three print ads for the Chinese pharmaceutical organisation Sanjiu (三九) which literally translates to 3-9, but in fact refers to ‘999’.

In China, the number ‘9’ or 九 (jiu) is seen as meaning ‘long’ so three number nine’s or 999 is in fact a metaphor for long life. Thus the Chinese see Sanjiu medicines as adding longevity to one’s life.

So that’s the company, and now here are the ads:

Sanjiu Advert 1 - The Cleaner

Sanjiu Advert 2 - Painter

Sanjiu Advert 3 - The repair man

The slogan of the ads translates to ‘Reverse the pain’ as the visuals metaphorically demonstrate.

Credit to: JWT (Shanghai Branch)