Archives for the month of: October, 2010

Ads of China // 中国广告 has to moved to greener pastures. All future blogpost will now be hosted at chinaSMACK (please take a look via the links below):

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Many thanks to everyone who subscribed, tweeted, commented, Facebooked, and linked to this blog!

This is not the end, just the beginning of hopefully something bigger and better…

Only the wisest and stupidest of men never change.

Shanghai’s Guangyin Yoga Club (光胤瑜伽) became famous outside China this week. The marketing idea implemented to promote the club hit international websites and the story quickly spread across numerous sites.

The idea itself (from February 2010) placed one of the club’s yoga masters in a wooden box that was placed in various locations across Shanghai. The yoga master would then pop his hand out of the box with the club’s business card in his hand and this greatly surprised passers-by.

Guangyin Yoga Club - Man inside a box

It was a simple, effective, original, and widely talked about execution that won the yoga club far more customers than it had expected, plus the total cost of doing it was £74.

A truly great piece of creativity, one only wishes that every marketing campaign was this cheap and easy to implement but still made the client extremely happy.

Please do take a look at the original post on Ads of the World.